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For the fruits of the Juglans regia tree, the name walnut, or Greek walnut, was fixed in our country after monks traveling on the Balkan Peninsula introduced compatriots to it. It is believed that it was the ancient Greeks who began to cultivate this plant, trying to bring out the same large fruits that the Persians who traded with the Greeks boasted about.
The ancient name - Acorn of the gods - directly indicates the sacredness of the walnut tree. In one of the Greek myths, the god Dionysus turned his beloved into a nut plant after her death.
Walnut is most often spoken of either as a means capable of activating higher mental functions, or as a natural analogue of Viagra. But this product also has many useful pharmacological and medicinal properties.
The beneficial properties of walnut, due to its chemical composition, are being studied today in the context of the fight against cancer, Alzheimer's disease, oxidative stress, the possibility of improving the work of blood vessels and the heart with its help, normalization of reproductive function is being studied.
Walnut is also being examined for its use in various dietary programs, for the prevention of type 2 diabetes.
Researchers from around the world believe that some components of the walnut kernel are capable, under certain conditions, of showing antitumor activity and becoming key components in the creation of new anti-cancer drugs. This, for example, is indicated by the research of a group of Chinese scientists.
In official medicine, walnut has been used since the time of Avicenna, who treated tuberculosis with crushed kernels with honey, squeezed leaf juice - suppuration from the ear, and oil - eye fistulas, gangrene and erysipelas.
Hippocrates used a decoction of green shell to stop bleeding, as well as to remove roundworms parasitic in the human body - ascaris, subsequently switching to nut butter mixed with wine.
Already in our days (before the discovery of more effective means), a drug based on nuts was used for the treatment of tuberculosis, and a drug based on nut leaves was used for the treatment of lupus.
The practice of using various parts of the walnut tree in folk medicine is widespread from the Far East to the British Isles.
The astringent properties of nut leaves allow them to be used for diarrhea. They are also part of the fees prescribed for diseases of the liver and gallbladder. The infusion of septa treats varicose veins on the legs and joint pain.
For gout, rheumatism and skin diseases (eczema, ulcers, rashes), rubbing infusions and walnut-based ointments are applied externally.
Nut formulations relieve inflammation of the oral cavity, fight scurvy and eye diseases. Green (unripe) nut fruits are used as a multivitamin remedy for vitamin deficiency, and are also used as a diaphoretic.
Walnut is a high–calorie product. 100 grams contains about 650 kCal. And, nevertheless, with its help, you can control weight and keep yourself in shape.
Firstly, according to a joint group of researchers from the US Department of Agriculture and the Beltsville Nutrition Research Center, a person digests 21% fewer calories and, accordingly, gains weight more slowly than one would expect from such a high-calorie product.
Secondly, when eating nuts, the feeling of hunger decreases, and with a faster saturation, a person eats less. In a joint experiment of the Israeli, Boston and Massachusetts research groups, 10 obese people drank a portion of smoothies containing 48 grams of ground walnuts daily for 8 days.
As a result, they had a decrease in hunger compared to those who drank a placebo with the same amount of nutrients and calories.
Walnut is among the most powerful allergens, which in itself makes it dangerous for people with a pronounced allergic reaction to this product.
Another, but smaller, threat may arise with intolerance to nut kernel protein. In this case, the absence of enzymes in the body capable of digesting protein leads to varying degrees of discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract with extreme manifestations in the form of diarrhea and vomiting.
The high content of vitamin C is especially noticeable in comparison with other vitamin-containing products of plant origin, which are considered leaders in this indicator by the people: in an immature (green) walnut, vitamin C is about 40-50 times more than in lemon, and 8-10 times more than in black currant.
Vitamin B4;
Vitamin B3;
Vitamin C;
Vitamin E;
Vitamin B5.
According to the zinc content, walnut is among the top 10 products of plant origin, characterized by a high content of this mineral. Among nuts, it is inferior in this indicator only to cedar.
Walnut Syrup contains in its composition:
organic acids;
provitamin A;
essential oils;
fatty oils;
Walnut Syrup has the following properties:
wound healing;
The product promotes the restoration of vascular elasticity, cleanses the blood, stimulates tissue regeneration and the process of blood circulation, increases the immunological reactivity of the body.
Nut syrup has a positive effect on the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, thyroid gland, musculoskeletal system. Enhances the positive dynamics of skin, colds and many other diseases.
It is used to improve metabolism, prevent and treat cancer, allergic diseases.
Dosage: 1 teaspoon 3 times per day.
Shelf life: 2 years.
Volume: 200 ml.