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Boric Uterus Tincture

Boric Uterus Tincture

Upland uterus treatment

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Upland uterus (plant is) what is it.

borovaya_matkaOrtilia is one-sided (upland uterus, upland grass, borovinka, cleft salt, baracoda, gresovnik, wild pear, zimonline, wine grass) is a perennial herbaceous plant in the forest zone of the Northern hemisphere. In folk and traditional medicine, it is used in the treatment of female genital area, diseases of the urinary tract, prostate and adenoma in men.

It acts as a hormonal, diuretic, anti-inflammatory agent.

Medicinal properties and contraindications of the boric uterus were well known in Russia. This herb is found not only in ancient Russian herbalists, but also in legends and beliefs. It is considered a female grass, and in ancient images it was painted next to the female silhouette and the Moon.

First of all, the plant was used as a unique remedy for infertility. Take into account the phase of the moon in the collection and reception of the miracle herb. However, in other ethnic groups (for example, the British, Irish, Germans, Canadians) about the use of this plant for medicinal purposes do not know anything.

In Alaska, this herb is eaten and tea is made from it. Boron grass as a medicinal plant from "women's diseases" is revered in the culture of the Eastern Slavs - Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians.

Baqozoda, wild pear, wine grass, upland uterus, the plant is one-sided - it is all one and the same plant. In the people this medicinal plant is more often called " Borovoj uterus "(in translation into modern Russian it sounds as"forest mother").


Boric uterus chemical composition and pharmacological action.

A wide range of pharmacological action of the plant was found - diuretic, antitumor, antiseptic, immunostimulating, expectorant, analgesic, antispasmodic. In addition, the plant is a natural hormonal agent.

The grass is taken to rejuvenate the body, normalize blood pressure in hypertension, strengthen the cardiovascular system.

Estrogen and progesterone are the natural phytohormones that regulate women's health and reproductive system. For example, if a woman lacks progesterone, she reduces the likelihood of conception, there is pain during menstruation, there is a threat of miscarriage.

Estrogen contained in ortilia, helps to cope with the female body during menopause and makes menopause not so painful psychologically and physiologically.

Useful substances contained in the pine uterus include:


Boric uterus application.

borovaya_matka_primenenieIndications for the use of a boric uterus at the first place are various gynecological diagnoses and symptoms. These include:

In addition to gynecology, the plant is used in other sections of scientific medicine:

Boric uterus is contraindicated.

Severe contraindications of the hog uterus:

Using of boric grass for men.

Boric uterus for men can also be useful:

Tincture of boar grass in combination with other drugs helps in the treatment of adenoma and prostatitis. It acts as an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antitumor agent, well dissolves adenomas.    

Tincture of Boric uterus composition.


Tincture of the boric uterus in its composition contains the following elements:


Tincture of Boric uterus properties.

Tincture of the boric uterus has the following therapeutic effect:

Tincture of Boric uterus application.

Tincture of the boric uterus is used to treat the following diseases:

Dosage: 21 days 1 tsp 3 times a day, be started from 5 days mestral cycle.
Then, 7 days - pause.

Shelf of life: 2 years.

Volume: 500 ml.


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