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Sea Buckthorn juice

Sea Buckthorn juice

Sea Buckthorn fruit Syrup

Sclerosis Cataract Glaucoma Hemorrhoids Colpitis Skin Diseases Treatment Prevention Sea Buckthorn Syrup Properties Recommendations Application buy folk medicine store. Hypertension Epilepsy treatment at home by health extracts.

Sea Buckthorn can be called a berry of health, because it masterfully solves all the problems with health and is a champion in the content of nutrients. Recipes based on it, juices and oils heal all the sores of the body, every time, brilliantly coping with the tasks.


But the berries are not very pleasant to eat because of their sour taste, the Sea Buckthorn Syrup is thirsty again and again. In addition, it is considered a multivitamin, as it includes all the necessary elements of the body.

Sea Buckthorn Syrup properties and application.

Included in the composition of Sea Buckthorn valuable acids are its main medicinal base. So, ursulova acid has a strong healing and anti-inflammatory qualities, which makes the product indispensable in the treatment of ulcers, erosions, inflammation, and skin lesions. It ursulova acid alleviates the symptoms of Addison's disease (disease of the adrenal glands).

oblepihoviy_sokSea Buckthorn Syrup composition:


Sea Buckthorn Syrup has:

Sea Buckthorn Syrup is used to treat and prevent following diseases:


Sea Buckthorn Syrup contraindications.

oblepiha_protivipokazaniaSea Buckthorn Syrup can not be taken with individual intolerance of sea buckthorn and preparations made from it, as well as, when:

Fruits and Syrup from them are contraindicated in the treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers, as they contain a lot of organic acids that increase the secretion of gastric juice. Seabuckthorn is contraindicated and hyperacidity gastritis.

Fresh fruits and Syrup of Sea Buckthorn fruits increase the acidity of urine, so they are contraindicated in patients with urolithiasis.

Application: 2 teaspoons 3 times a day before meals.

Shelf of life: 2 years.

Volume: 200 ml.


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