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Pelovit Classic (500 ml) of the property


Pels Classic (250 ml) treatment property

Pels Classic treatment of psoriasis ekzema properties buy store of traditional medicine. Availability. Fast shipping.

Pels intended for topical application in the form of compresses, of lotions, baths, rinses, micro-enemas, electrophoresis, and as additives to biostimulating baths and spray applied to the skin.

In medical practice, know of no means, analogous Pels, which, being a natural product, would possess such a complex physico-chemical and biological properties, which would combine so well in one extract.

It is a robust anti-inflammatory, desensitizing, the analgesic effect is included in the job after no less powerful draining and cleaning effect at the time of contact Pels with broken skin and simultaneous stimulation of healing of the surface epithelium of the skin with a quick closure of the skin defect.


Pels Classic Treatment.

All of this combined action depends on the rich content of the Pels macro, micronutrients and organic bio-stimulants that lead to rapid and permanent healing and the healing of the skin.

As a result, the treatment eliminates itching. More than half of the cases there is a complete cleansing of the skin of the affected elements. In 40% of cases there comes a significant improvement. In 1.5% of cases the condition is not improving, but the damaged area is limited. It is important that the time of the extinction of the disease and the disappearance of lesions elements is reduced from 2 years to 2 -x months.

pelovit_lechenieTreatment of eczema of hands and feet is similar to the treatment of eczema of the whole body. Pelovita 100 ml was added to 5 liters of water with a temperature of + 37 ° C in a bath for hands (feet). The hands (legs) are dipped for 30 minutes, then wash with clean warm water. On the clean and dry surface to apply a cream for hands or feet.

Baths made of 3 to 5 times a week, or daily for 3-5 weeks.

In the treatment of psoriasis psoriatic body portions are processed similarly eczema Pelovita solution treatment, preferably in combination with ultraviolet radiation of the whole body and in mud applications resort conditions.

Pels doses and treatment regimens are the same and eczema.

In sycosis boils and skin using compresses or lotions with undiluted Pels warm at night. On the morning of the procedure is repeated until the cleansing of purulent discharge. To enhance the antibacterial effect can be added to a glass of Pels 5-7 drops of 1-2% strength alcohol tincture of iodine. With extensive lesions do the bath with the addition of 0.5 liters of Pels 3 times a week.

You can apply a more fuel-efficient ways of spending funds - an aerosol or a diluted solution at the rate of 75-100 ml per 2 liters of warm water.

When ordinary acne (acne) apply compresses, lotions, wiping. To open up the pores and sebaceous glands make possible deeper penetration Pelovita eve desirable to treat any skin lotion.

The procedure is repeated every night for a week.

When shin trophic ulcers in patients with varicose veins use lotions or compresses with warm Pelovitom, wrapping and keeping the heat 2 times a day, morning and evening. After cleansing the wound surface and the appearance of pink granulation surface lubricated with 50% propolis oil to complete epithelialization of the wound.

In cases of severe and deep skin lesions shin need to constantly monitor the blood clotting and pursue sound anticoagulant therapy.

When pressure ulcers do compresses, lotions, wiping undiluted Pels.

When abrasions - sponging, warm Pelovitom 2 times a day, a bath with warm water at night.

When you stop fungal skin lesions - gadgets for 3 weeks, until complete exfoliation of damaged skin layers.

When paresis and hemiparesis - rubbing the skin constantly, in order to prevent pustular skin lesions and maintaining an active circulation in the concerned area.

Burns - Burns I-II degree cold lotions with undiluted preparation to the disappearance of pain and redness. Ensure to wash over the entire procedure was cold.


Methods of formulation packs with Pels.

Pels heated to + 43-45 ° C, but not higher than + 50 ° C. Napkin wetted and applied to the surface of the skin on the affected area, or in front of the interested patient's body, covered with foil on top and tightly wrapped.

Duration of treatment is 20-30 minutes a day at first, later on its duration gradually adjusted from 2 to 12 hours a day.

The course is 14-18 procedures.


General wet wraps with Pels.

For the wrapping sheet is used Pels soaked in a dilution of 1:1 or 1:5 at a temperature of + 25-30 ° C.

The duration of the procedures in order to achieve a stimulating action - 10-15 minutes; soothing action - 30-40 minutes; sweatshop action -40-60 minutes.

The procedure can be completed Cover the dry, rain shower t ° + 34-36 ° C for one minute, fresh bath t ° + 34-36 ° C for 5-7 minutes.

Course of 15 to 20 treatments every day, or every other day.

When poor tolerability to cancel the procedure.


Wet wiping with Pels.


pelovit_obtiranieThey are used for the purpose of hardening, improving the overall tone and non-specific resistance of the organism.

The patient is first wrapped with Pels soaked and wrung linen sheets and rubbing over it until you feel the heat, then rubbed a rough sheets, moistened with water at a temperature of +32 to + 8 ° C, 20-1, and then rub it dry.

Duration of treatment is 3-5 minutes.

The course is 14-18 procedures daily, or every other day.


It is recommended to be widely used for the purpose of hardening of children of various ages, under the supervision of a physician.


Mineral baths bio-stimulating with Pels.

mineralnyie_vannyiAdded to the bath at 140-160 liters of water at t ° + 36-37 ° C Pels 0.25-0.5 liters. The exposition of 10-20 minutes every day, or every other day. It is advisable to sweat. Then, while cooling the skin sweat glands captured pels effectively penetrates into the body (the so-called postperspiratsionnomu mechanism of skin permeability, open Kiev researcher P.P.Slynko).

Course is: 10-12 procedures.

For young adults, the bath temperature may be somewhat higher.
After the bath, the patient does not wash off the solution Pelovita from the skin, which contributes to maximum absorption of funds. And rest for 30-60 minutes.

After 12-14 hours to take a warm shower, so the bio-stimulating bath is recommended to take at bedtime.


Medical control is mandatory in cases of cardiovascular disease with hypertension, or pronounced symptoms of multiple sclerosis, as well as, if the patient's age exceeds 50 years.

For such persons recommended, inter alia, a more economical use Pelovita by its application as a spray using spray application using 50-75 ml in the undiluted or diluted form.

It must be remembered that the Pels effective in adding it to the bath at t ° + 28-32 ° C and below, and a much larger dilutions, ie at lower concentrations.


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