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Pelovit Classic (500 ml)

Pelovit Classic (500 ml)
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Code: № 759
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Pels Classic (250 mL) recommendations

Psoriasis eczema dermatitis treatment prevention Pels Classic (250 ml) buy store of traditional medicine. Availability in stock. Fast delivery.

Pelovit Classic (250 ml) - a liquid bio-stimulator obtained from therapeutic mud.

· Methods of Use Pels.

Pels Classic designed for outdoor use in the form of compresses, lotions, baths, rinses, mikroklizm, electrophoresis, and as biostimulating addition to the baths and aerosol application to the skin. Pels Classic Buy Dnepropetrovsk you can store in traditional medicine.


Pels is used in the home and in hospitals at:





Areas of application Pels.


Pels Action.

Pels contains in its structure all the rich set of macro-and micronutrients, nutrients of organic origin, hydrogen sulphide and other chemical constituents of medicinal mud.

Pels has potent anti-inflammatory, absorbing, desensitizing, bio-stimulating effects. Stimulates wound healing, cellular and humoral immunity, increases the overall resistance of the organism.

When used in the form of baths - relieves stress, normalizes sleep, physical and mental, nervous and mental activity, creates a sense of vitality, improves mood, eliminates depression dramatically increases efficiency, sexual activity.


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