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Todikamp (125 ml)

Todikamp (125 ml) Promotion!
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Todikamp application


Thyroid Gland Pancreatitis Stroke Oncology Gastritis Colitis Tumors Stomach Ulcer Polyps Treatment Prevention Drug Todikamp application Properties Recommendations buy shop of traditional medicine. Prostatitis Infertility Impotence Thrombophlebitis treatment prevention at home Todikamp buy.

Todikamp - extract of walnuts milky-wax ripeness in a mixture of aliphatic and saturated hydrocarbons produced in Moldova according to the original recipe of Andrei Mikhailovich Method company TODICAMP® SRL. This exclusive formulation, high efficiency of which is tested half-century of successful use in 62 countries around the world.

Todikamp pharmacological action.

The Todikamp extract has a strong :

todicamp_primenenieTodikamp indications for use:


Todikamp method of application.

The Todikamp Drug intended for oral and topical local application.

Internal use todikamp.

Todikamp extract is taken orally at the rate of 1 drop per 2 kg of weight, 1-3 times a day at least 30 minutes before meals or no sooner than an hour after a meal. To start taking recommended with 9 drops, gradually increasing to an Estimated Dose (RD). The extract is preferably mixed with pumpkin oil, or hemp oil in the ratio of 1:1.

In severe cancer diseases the dose can be increased 3 times, definitely mixing with 1 tablespoon hemp/pumpkin seed oil. In the case of intoxication (nausea, headache, weakness, loss of appetite) to stop taking the drug for 2 days and reduce the dose to 5 drops.

The appearance of these symptoms indicates a readjustment of foci of infection of tumor cell death and the entry into circulation of the products of their decay. It is also recommended rich alkaline water and reception of sorbents (sorbalit, white clay, etc.).




Todikamp external using.


Attention: do Not allow contact with the upper and lower eye lid! Causes an unpleasant burning sensation! In case of contact rinse with warm water.

todicamp_compressTodikamp compresses: clean cheesecloth, folded in 4 layers, the size of your palm, moisten extract Todikamp and attach to the skin of the affected organ. Over the gauze to apply the compress paper and dense cloth. After 20-30 minutes remove the compress and the skin greased with olive oil or moisturizing cream. Used for deep lesions of the joints and internal organs.

On a clean gauze or a bandage folded from 2 to 4 layers inflict Todikamp so lightly! moisten the cloth. Attach a moistened cloth to the affected area, top cover compress paper of such a size that it went beyond the gauze 2-3 inches. The corners of the paper attach to the body with pieces of plaster that was not offset. Put on top of the fixing elastic belt.

Try to ensure that at the location on the body of gauze, cloth located exactly - no extra folds.

Exposure time (time compression) - depending on the degree of sensitivity of the skin, other individual factors can be from 15-25 minutes.

Compress Todikamp used in diseases of the joints, soft tissues and internal organs (kidney stones, gastritis, peptic ulcer disease, cirrhosis, hepatitis, etc.).

Todikamp rubbing: small amount of extract Todikamp applied to the skin and RUB until complete absorption. Used subcutaneous, muscle and joint lesions.

Rubbing Todikamp used in diseases of the joints, spasms, pinching and inflammation of muscles, bruises, sprains. You can RUB the neck, chest, back, nose, forehead, temples.

Todikamp lubrication: extract Todikamp be applied to broken skin without rubbing. Used for superficial lesions of the skin and subcutaneous fat.

Lubrication Todikamp is used for burns, bruises, acne, colds, etc.

todicamp_zhenschinyiDouching todikamp: 1 ml of extract Todikamp mixed with 1 ml of sea buckthorn oil, or hemp oil, or pumpkin oil and introduced into the vagina with a Turkey Baster or syringe without a needle.

Effective for the treatment for pathologies of the cervix and pelvic organs. If necessary, repeat daily.

Todikamp microclysters: 3 ml Todikamp extract mixed with 3 ml hemp oil or pumpkin oil and enter into the rectum.

To enhance the overall impact is recommended 1-2 times a day RUB the extract Todikamp along the spine, and rubbing them the feet that really activates the function of all internal organs since they have the projection on the foot and spine.

Todikamp side effects.

The Todikamp drug is usually well tolerated by patients, but in rare cases the development of digestive disorders, nausea. The local application may result in irritation of the skin.

Todikamp contraindications.


  • increased individual sensitivity;

  • individual intolerance to iodine preparations.

In pregnancy, the efficacy and safety of the drug in women during pregnancy and lactation is not proven.



todikamp_detyInternal Todikamp using (for children).
Todikamp can be used for infants for the prevention of infectious and other diseases! Todikamp recommendations to enhance the adhesion between the cells of the body is 2.5-3 times, which is reflected positively on the properties of the immune system in children. Thanks to these properties of Todikamp - kids get sick less.

Very good results lubrication gums in children during the period when teething. In this case, do not experience any discomfort, there is no characteristic pain and temperature. Todikamp applied moistened finger with a light rubbing the gums. During the day, if necessary, the procedure can be repeated 3-4 times. Before greasing need a good wash their hands with soap and water!

For internal use of Todikamp convenient to use a pipette with a blunt tip (eye). For infants enough to type about 1 cm in volume pipette and introduced into the cavity between the cheek and gum. Hold the baby need in vertical position and wait until the baby is normal swallow Todikamp.

Older children, up to 12 - it is recommended to give Todikamp of not more than 1-13 drops at a time!

Methods of Todikamp for external using (for children).


Todikamp is used to treat:
Infants only lubricate the skin surface without rubbing, since the skin is very sensitive and gentle.

todicamp_dety_lechenieVery effective grinding of the feet in children. This procedure can be performed for any age! Trituration good socks to wear natural. Such rubbing perform better before putting the baby to bed.

Good rub lightly back and chest. Lubricate the throat outside, in diseases of the ears lubricated temple and parotid space behind the ear and the region of the eustachian tube (the connection between the ear and throat).


Form release: Bottles 115 мл dark medical plastic.

Storage conditions: the Drug should be stored in a dry place away from direct sunlight and open flame at a temperature of 15-25 C.

Shelf life: 3 years.


This description is a simplified instruction manual. Information about the drug provided solely for informational purposes and should not be used as a guide to self-healing. Only a specialist can decide on the appointment of the drug, and to determine the doses and methods of application.


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Лилия Saturday, September 5, 2015 11:31 AM
Добрый день! О Тодикамп мы узнала в конце декабря 2014 года, когда узнали страшный диагноз - рак! От операции мой дядя отказался ( было очень много моментов, которые способствовали принятию такого решения) , по после полного курса облучения( 21 сеанс), который дался ему настолько тяжело, что словами этого не передать он получив консультацию специалистов стал принимать Тодикамп. Около полу года он принимал без перерыва, потом была небольшая передышка. Через три месяца у него исчезли визуальные симптомы страшного недуга, благодаря этому он смог приблизиться ксвоей прежней жизни, в которой есть улыбки и планы на завтрашний день . Спасибо, тем людям, которые поделились с нами методами борьбы с этой бедой и мы попробовали лечится Тодикампом. Люди, которые столкнулись с этой ужасной болезнью знают, как важно , а главное сложно не потерять надежду.
Николай 71 год Харьковская обл. Monday, July 4, 2016 8:16 PM
Год назад мне поставили диагноз онко заболевание голосовых складок.По совету знакомых я обратился за помощью к Геннадию Леонидовичу. Принимаю "Тодикамп" с декабря 2015 г. Сейчас анализы нормализовались. Чувствую себя нормально. Следую советам Геннадия Леонидовича. Продолжаю принимать "Тодикамп", но в меньших дозах.Очень хороший препарат.
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