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Sodium dichloroacetate - restores the mitochondria alters the metabolism of tumor cells and normalizes tissue respiration. As a result, the cell loses signs of malignancy and includes a mechanism of apoptosis - the programmed cell death. Reduces the level of tissue lactic acidosis and stabilizes the acid-base balance of the body. Effective with most types of cancer, prevent metastasis, cancer kaheksii.Ne minimizes toxic and does not inhibit the healthy tissue.
The human body can beat the cancer, if you activate suppressed mitochondrial disease. This is the activator and found scientists from the University of Alberta (Canada). They argue that the sodium dichloroacetate can win this way, many types of cancer.
A team of scientists led by Professor Archer and Michelakisom the University of Alberta in the long-term work concluded dihloratsetat sodium (DCA), used for decades for the medical treatment of children with inborn errors of metabolism, which develop due to dysfunction of mitochondria in cells leads cancer regression.
Especially it concerns lung cancer, breast and brain regions.
Already at the 30s of the twentieth century, the mitochondria - the major organelles of living cells that are responsible for the energy balance of the body - linked to cancers, in connection with the detection of functionally impaired mitochondria of cells of the patient with cancer. Until recently, scientists believed that the destruction of organelles is the result, not the cause of cancer.
In 2005, Michelakis, doubting this hypothesis, began working on molecular testing DCA. In laboratory tests and animal tests revealed that DCA activates an enzyme of mitochondria, inhibits disease in all types of cancer.
Furthermore, normalization functions organelles leads to a substantial reduction of growth of cancer cells, these assumptions have been confirmed in laboratory experiments as well as in animal experiments.
Finally, DCA is unlike other drugs used in the course of chemotherapy, side effects are small, non-toxic and has no inhibitory effect on healthy tissue cells.
According to Professor Michelakisa, mitochondria belongs to a very important role in the life of the cell. These organelles regulate apoptosis (programmed cell death), which takes a place in the regulation of the balance between cell growth at the expense of their breeding and natural death.
Tumor cells actively suppress their mitochondria that itself alters the metabolism of cells. They are able to hinder the process of their own programmed cell death and multiply uncontrollably (which is the essence of metastasis).
DCA is fundamentally changing the situation normalizes mitochondrial actually returning them to self-destruct function of diseased cells.
Furthermore, Michelakis indicates versatility of the material. It can cure most cancers because all cancers are based on the phenomenon of suppression of mitochondrial.
Due to its versatility dichloroacetate can affect even those cancers that are not available for other drugs, for example - to a brain tumor.
Michelakis also notes that the DCA never patented material does not belong to any pharmaceutical company, so that the drug will be inexpensive and will be able to get it all in need.
Preliminary results of the study were obtained by Canadian scientists in November 2005, the final results released only in October 2006. From the results of the experiments can be found in the journal Cancer Cell.
The researchers note that DCA blocks the unique ability of cancer cells that get their energy from the entire cell, not just from the mitochondria. This process, called glycolysis, is extremely inefficient and is accompanied by a high consumption of sugar.
Until now, it was thought that cancer cells use glycolysis because their mitochondria are irreversibly damaged. However, Canadian scientists were able to prove that it is not.
Michelakis believes that the process of glycolysis is activated in the middle stage of the development of abnormal cells, while the tumor is benign. Cells become starved of oxygen for normal functioning of mitochondria, and to survive they go on glycolysis.
Disconnection of mitochondrial function leads to the fact that it becomes impossible to apoptosis, i.e. natural death of abnormal cells. As a result, the affected cells become "immortal" and gradually begin to predominate over healthy cells.
The theory proposed by Canadian scientists also explains the emergence of so-called secondary cancers.
Glycolysis reaction leads to lactic acid, which destroys the collagen matrix that holds the cells together. As a result, the cancer cells get into other parts of the body and generate new tumors.
However, according to the research team Michelakisa by dichloroacetate can restore normal operation of mitochondria. The resuscitated organelles are again able to apoptosis which in turn will lead to the death of cancer cells. Laboratory experiments as reported New Scientist, showed that dichloroacetate can destroy cancer cells of lung, breast and brain without affecting the healthy cells.
Dichloroacetate has shown efficacy in the treatment of many types of cancer, except sarcomas.
There were cases nemelkokletchatogo cure lung cancer even at the 4th stage of the disease.
Dichloroacetate taken at the rate of 25-50 mg per 1 kg of body weight per day. Documented several cases of peripheral neuropathy in the daily reception of 50 mg per day for two years. The dose was reduced to 25 mg and unpleasant phenomenon ceased.
With additional side effects: nausea, difficulty breathing, digestive disorders, numbness in the fingers, tremors, dizziness, frequent urination, anxiety, depression, drowsiness - the dose should be reduced to 10 mg / kg or discontinued for a few days, then it is still desirable to return a dose of 25 mg / kg per day.
There is evidence that the use of citric acid may reduce the phenomenon of peripheral neuropathy.
Dichloroacetate is used for the following types of cancer:
non-Hodgkin's lymphoma;
acute lymphatic leukemia;
acute leukemia mielotsiticheskaya;
chronic lymphocytic leukemia;
testicular cancer;
Merkel cell carcinoma;
melkokletchaty lung cancer.
Phenomenon may occur lysis of malignant tumors.
Lysis of malignant tumor - extremely fast apoptosis (programmed cell death) of cancer cells with a sharp deterioration in health (in rare cases can even lead to death). In these cases it is necessary to stop taking the drug immediately consult a doctor and resume reception dichloroacetate in a few days at lower doses.
Due to the novelty of the use of dichloroacetate no data on the drug incompatibility (exception - lasix). In February 2008, were obtained evidence that the combination of kofeinizirovannyh varieties of tea (probably coffee) plus the inclusion of high doses of vitamin B1 (500 to 2500 mg per day) significantly contributed to more efficient use of dichloroacetate.
Additional efficacy of Dichloroacetate is achieved in combination with citric acid (8-12 gr per day), alpha-lipoic (or alpha-linoleic) acid, coenzyme Q-10 and indole-3-carbinol.
It is also necessary to raise the alkalinity of pH in the body to normal, as the low alkalinity provokes metastases.
Currently, pharmaceutical companies are not interested in the process of clinical trials and drug legalization cheap dihloratsetata as patented medicines in oncology.