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Feet naturopathic treatment


People's foot treatment

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A proven and reliable method for the treatment of diseases of the feet by means of traditional medicine - treatment of needles.

Needles healing properties.

svoistva_hvoiThe therapeutic properties of pine needles are widely known and used in folk and traditional medicine. Properties people knew used since the time of Ancient Greece, using needles to treat colds.

Let us consider what the properties of pine needles and treatment of it in folk medicine.

The needles of pine, in its composition contains a large amount:

  • ascorbic acid;

  • vitamins B, E, H, P, K, PP;

  • aluminum;

  • carotene;

  • copper;

  • cobalt;

  • iron;

  • manganese;

  • volatile;

  • essential oil.

The content of vitamin C in the needles depends on the seasons. By the end of spring and in summer - it is highly snejanna, but in the autumn - much velocipede. In winter, the vitamin C content is the highest. And this is a very valuable feature of needles, as it is a winter source of ascorbic acid.

hvoya_svoistvaPine needles have:


  • antiviral effect;

  • analgesic effect;

  • antiseptic effect;

  • diaphoretic effect;

  • diuretic effect;

  • expectorant effect;

  • choleretic effect;

  • tonic effect.

Extracts from the "needles", and rejuvenate the human body.

Made from the needles of various medicinal remedies for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, brain diseases, fungal infections, asthma and even the treatment of scurvy. Also, it improves metabolism and hematopoiesis. Very often, the needles used for the treatment of skin diseases; the manufacture of toothpaste and soap, etc.


How to get rid of perspiration.

For the treatment of the most intractable diseases, like foot odor (foot sweating) and fungus of the feet treatment, is also used pine needles. This decoction should be applied for a certain time, and, as practice shows, in a month - You are healthy! Of course, you need to do annual maintenance, as unpleasant smell, but it is not the disease can come back.

And yet, one of the conditions of full completion of treatment, is wearing natural and non-synthetic shoes! 

Folk recipes for the treatment of athlete's foot.

lechenie_potlivosti_nogFor sweating feet is recommended:

Soda and salt water. 1 teaspoon soda to dissolve 1 Cup of warm water. Soda or salt water to wash feet morning and evening. After the procedure, rinsed, and wiped his feet dry. Moisten a cotton swab in the soda and put between the toes. You have to suffer the discomfort, as it can be scratched. This folk remedy will help You quickly get rid of sweating.

Boric acid. Morning sprinkle boric acid legs and rubbed it between the toes, on the plantar surface and wear socks. Acid evening to wash off with water, the water Temperature should be no more than 40-50%. If You treat sweating in such a way that it will be held in 2-3 weeks.

Horsetail and birch leaves. To make the broth, take them in equal quantity and boil for 2-3 minutes. This decoction is an effective remedy for athlete's foot.

Stearin powder is another folk remedy for athlete's foot. It is poured into socks and go all day. You have enough 2-3 procedures to get rid of athlete's foot.

The common oak. From making powder and sprinkle foot, wear socks at night and in the morning you need to rinse with cold water.

Apple cider vinegar. Used as the best remedy for excessive sweating of the feet. Wash feet thoroughly with soap and water, then wiping with a towel that is soaked in Apple cider vinegar. This procedure is very useful, as characteristic of Apple cider vinegar to kill the bacteria, tone the skin and restores acid balance.


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