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High Low Pressure

Pressure Hypotonia Hypertension Causes Prevention Treatment Medications for Pressure Properties Recommendations Application buy folk medicine store. Treatment of Pressure at home by health extracts.

Problems with pressure in our time are so common that it is almost impossible to find an adult (or even a teenager) who would never have felt the "charm" of increasing or decreasing pressure.

Hypertension has taken the character of a global epidemic, hypotension is less common, but it torments a person no less. 40% of the population suffer from hypertension, while in the initial stages, when the pressure increases from time to time, no one goes to the doctor, because laziness, once and in General "will pass itself".

And it does not pass, and then you have to take pills for life, and only 17% of women pressure comes to normal figures, and men - in General, 6%. And all because the treatment is postponed for an indefinite future.

Hypotension seems to be a much less dangerous disease, and others even sometimes suspect that a person is "pretending", but this is the wrong impression. Hypotension really does not allow a person to live a full life, and with prolonged course can go into hypertension.

Of course, these conditions can not be started, you can not treat them yourself, without a doctor, but also do not think that only pills can help. Auxiliary means will be medicinal herbs, and a healthy lifestyle, and light exercise, and walks in the fresh air, and proper nutrition, and some other procedures.

General concept of Pressure.

Blood pressure is the pressure of blood on the walls of blood vessels: arteries, capillaries and veins. It is necessary to ensure the movement of blood through the blood vessels.

Arterial pressure (blood pressure) is one of the most important parameters characterizing the functioning of the circulatory system.

factoriy_davleniyaThe pressure depends on the frequency and strength of the heart, so the highest blood pressure will be at the exit of blood from the heart (in the left ventricle), slightly less it becomes in the arteries, even lower - in the capillaries, and the lowest - in the veins and in the right atrium.

In fact, the amount of blood pressure is determined by several factors. These include:


  • strength of the heart;

  • amount of blood that is released into the vessels with each contraction of the heart;

  • resistance that the walls of the blood vessels have blood flow;

  • number of heartbeats per unit of time (heart rate).

Another pressure affects the volume of blood in the body (so at high pressure prescribe diuretics) and its viscosity (so prescribe drugs that reduce blood viscosity).

When blood is pumped into the heart, the pressure in it increases until the blood is ejected from the heart into the vessels. These phases make up the systole of the heart and determine the upper pressure - systolic.

Then the heart relaxes and after fraction of second then starts to fill with blood. This "rest" is called diastole of the heart, and the pressure at this point is diastolic.

The difference in systolic and diastolic pressure is called pulse pressure.


normalnoe_davlenieNormal pressure is considered, if its figures 120/80 mm Hg. art. May be less. For example, some people will have a normal pressure of 90/60 or 100/70 mmHg. this is the so-called "physiological hypotension".

Other people live with "elevated normal" pressure: 130/85 or even 140/90 mm Hg. but the higher figures are already an indicator of trouble.


The causes of hypertension are still not exactly established. And this despite the fact that now it suffers almost a fifth of the population of economically developed countries.

It is necessary to think about these problems for people who have unfavorable heredity due to hypertension, who suffer from her parents, siblings and other relatives.

And if you add to this a life full of stress, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, sedentary lifestyle, diabetes and obesity, the prospect of all will be bleak. Every extra kilogram is another two kilometers of vessels! Therefore, hypertensive people need to lose weight necessarily.


The development of hypertension is said when a person begins periodic rises in blood pressure to 160/95 millimeters of mercury and above.

Pressure usually begins to rise with age: about 140-145/90 mm Hg. article - after the age of 40, and for people over 60 and a pressure in the range of 160/90 mm Hg. the article would not be surprising. Although the heart is easier to work if the upper limit of pressure below 140. Everything else forces him to work with overload.

In addition hypertension, pressure can also increase in kidney disease, heart, nervous system, rheumatic diseases, vascular abnormalities, endocrine disorders - there are many reasons.


Only by excluding each of them, the doctor can diagnose "hypertension".

hipertoniyaIf hypertension has begun, it should be borne in mind that this disease is chronic, with periods of improvement and deterioration. Periodically, the pressure rises sharply to high numbers - there are hypertensive crises. Crises are dangerous serious complication - stroke, after which some patients remain on disability.

So, hypertension is determined by:


  • 1 degree (soft) at a pressure of 140-159 at 90-99 mm Hg. art.,

  • 2 degree (moderate): 160-179 per 100-109 mm Hg. art.,

  • 3 degree (severe) systolic pressure higher than 180 mm Hg. art. and diastolic more than 110 mm Hg. art.

Boundary condition at the upper pressure of 140 to 149 mm Hg. art. and lower less than 90 mm Hg. art.

In the third stage of hypertension, the most severe, strokes and heart attacks occur most often. But patients who monitor their blood pressure may not have them for many years.

Often they live even longer than people with a lighter form of hypertension, related to everything "at random". At the third stage, the pressure figures can reach 200/115 mm Hg. art., self-pressure is not reduced.

Many suffer from angina, shortness of breath, headaches. Even more affected internal organs, especially the heart, forced to work with increased load.



hipotoniyaThe opposite condition is called hypotension and is characterized by a decrease in blood pressure. It is usually mentioned if the pressure is below 100/60 mm Hg. art.

However, if a person feels well and does not complain, then low blood pressure is not considered a disease.

It has already been said above that this condition is called physiological hypotension and does not require any treatment. But if a person makes a complaint, if he feels bad, if such pressure is abnormal for him, it is already a disease.

There may be a genetic predisposition to hypotension (as well as to hypertension), but for it to develop as a painful condition, certain triggers are necessary.

The immediate cause can be:


  • long nervous strain;

  • malnutrition;

  • infections;

  • changes in climate and weather conditions;

  • and more.

In all these cases, hypotension is considered as an independent disease and if it manifests itself as symptoms that interfere with normal human life, fight directly with low blood pressure.

Very often dangerous for the patient hypotension occurs when using certain types of painkillers during operations.

It should be remembered that hypotension can lead to an overdose of drugs that reduce high blood pressure. This happens most often when self-hypertension, and in this case, the consequences of "hypotonic crisis" can be completely unpredictable.

Chronic hypotension can be a symptom of some hormonal disorders.

Hypotension can develop in humans as a result of significant fluid loss or acute blood loss, sometimes at high body temperature, can be a manifestation of collapse.

nizkoe_davlenieRecently, hypotension has been associated with chronic fatigue syndrome, depressive States, which is quite common among residents of megacities. In this case, there is a vicious circle: chronic fatigue syndrome causes a state of hypotension, and the state of hypotension causes a feeling of fatigue, depression, memory problems.


In order to break this circle, it is often necessary to use special drugs.

Hypotensive patients often feel tired. They hardly Wake up in the morning, even after a long sleep feeling sleepy. Activity and efficiency come back to normal only after 2-3 hours, in the afternoon weaken again. The peak of hypotonic activity usually occurs in the late afternoon.

With increased physical activity in people with hypotension, pulse and heartbeat may increase, while sometimes there are unpleasant sensations in the heart, shortness of breath, which sometimes make a person suspect angina or other serious diseases.


With severe hypotension, symptoms of oxygen starvation, fainting are possible.

It should be known that low blood pressure is not always accompanied by all the described symptoms. Often hypotension does not manifest itself for many years, sometimes a person with low pressure has any one sign, for example, meteozavisimost or fatigue.





Treatment Of Pressure Is Correct.

The tradition of "lying down and digging for health" has been reaching out to us since Soviet times. But in the days of evidence-based medicine and it looks ridiculous. But when it comes to "pressure droppers", it's no longer a laughing matter.

Doctors have already said a lot about the ineffectiveness of this treatment.

kapelnitsca_davlenieWhy don't the pressure droppers work? Because the droppers do not contain the appropriate drugs (substances) that would reduce the pressure.

Drugs that are most often prescribed for ivs and intravenous infusions in the hospital:


  • mildrocard;

  • thiotriazoline;

  • neurotropin;

  • venokor;

  • alakor;

  • metonate;

  • armadin;

  • corvitin;

  • mexicor...

And there are many of them.

Interestingly, even in the instructions of these drugs there is no indication of arterial hypertension. Also, these drugs have no evidence base, and they are not used in the civilized world.


Why are there many such drugs in our pharmacies? Because each product has its own buyer.

But doctors continue to prescribe them, because patients in a cardiology hospital need to prescribe something while tablet therapy is being selected, which can be selected on an outpatient basis.

Why does it get better from ivs, because the patient lies in the hospital for a week, far from household chores and work, resting, sleeping, eating right. And this is already enough to improve.

How to treat pressure.

Pressure is treated with specially selected drugs (according to the Protocol). They are selected according to:


  • floor;

  • available additional diseases;

  • kidney condition;

  • the condition of the vessels;

  • individual sensitivity;

  • and so on.


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